About Us
We would like to let all of our customers know that we have purchased the Old Texas Woodcarvers Shop from Dallas and Donna Deege on 15 August 2018 in Magnolia, Texas. In the process, we have moved the product from Magnolia, Texas to Rogers, Arkansas. We are very much thankful for their experience and guidance in the tool business and knowledge of products. We hope to provide you all the same customer service and knowledge of the products. Please be patient with us as we not only learn our customers, suppliers and products.
So what about us: Pennie and I both work full time jobs, but when our shifts are over - we devote our the remainder of the day & evening to our customers, their orders, voicemails left and sharpening of tools, etc. We do this for you our customers & friends. We now offer local delivery of orders. We make arrangements of your orders. Shipping is free for this service.
We will be going to various woodcarving shows and events within about 700 mile radius of our location. Please take a look at our Events tab at the top of our page. If you are in the area of a particular show, please stop by.
Both Pennie and I are woodcarvers. Scott has recently started learning woodturning. Pennie has been carving for over 30+ years and I have been carving for about 10 years, but I have worked with wood since high school years. We both spent time performing some type of job within the Retail Business. And I have spent several years learning about US Customs for International Business.
Thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to helping you in your hobby or career in Carving.
Scott & Pennie Boyle.